Thursday, April 10, 2014

Off Topic - The Lynx, Our Most Endangered Exotic Cat

The Endangered, Exotic, and Unique Lynx. 

(This is a copy of my facebook post. I thought I'd spread it around a bit more.)
One of the most unique and beautiful exotic cats, the Lynx. Also the most endangered. They are almost gone


Trappers. Lack of prey. Destruction of environment. This beautiful cat almost doesn't exist anymore. 
What's the real cause? Humans. A gigantic parasite to this planet and its environment and creatures. Does humankind stop the destruction? No. It's illegal to hunt this animal, but trappers place their traps purposely knowing where the lynx roam. Can they help it if one accidentally gets caught in their trap? Nah. They weren't hunting them, just trapping and one happened to wander into it. Perfectly legal. No consequences.
 Enjoy seeing pictures of this beautiful animal because it won't be long until that's all that's left of them. Just the pictures.

 I found some websites. Please check legitimacy before donating and make sure you are really helping these magnificent creatures. 

Here are a few:
 It looks like you can vote on legislation to help pass bills that protect endangered cats here. Just make sure of legitimacy.

Here is a site where you can find information and make sure you are donating safely and actually helping the cause

You don't have to share this or even care, but I wanted to post it. After all, they are the origination of my last name and they need as much help to stay in existence as they can get, so if you share, great. If you don't, I understand my passions aren't everyone's passions and I'll still love you.

Read further below the pictures if I still have your interest....

If you have the opportunity to do anything to help any endangered animal, please do. 
Humankind can evolve. We can change and stop destroying our home and the home of creatures like the lynx. If enough of us decide it's time to evolve, we can do it. It's time to make a change. Maybe our species can transcend
It takes decision and action from just one of us at a time, but each one makes a difference. How can it be possible for the majority of mankind to be stuck in the violence and destructive greed we are known for right now? I believe more of us are ready to stop this idiotic, low intelligence rut we are stuck in and evolve into the higher species we are capable of becoming. 
Spread this around if you care. If you think it's time we evolve. If you want our existence to continue and become an asset instead of a plague to the home we are disrespecting and destroying.
Thank you if you've read this far. Thank you even more if you agree and even more if you spread the word so maybe other people can have the chance to get a clue.

I have no selfish purpose to this post whatsoever. There is nothing I want from anyone who reads it except for them to do their part in helping our species to evolve. Whatever form that part takes. Pass this on. At least we can hope it touches someone who decides to make a change. Lots of someones.

And please, PLEASE don't let the beautiful lynx become extinct. If you can help in any way, please try to keep this unique cat in existence.